Sunday, October 21, 2007


Halloween Candy Buy Back Contest - Will Benefit Children and Schools, and Treat Troops

You’ve been waiting all year to trick-or-treat for Halloween candy. You dump it out on the table, eyeing each piece, your mouth watering as you spot your favorites. Would you be willing to give up any of your precious loot? What if someone paid you for that candy?

From November 1 through November 14, children and teachers have an opportunity to earn some money for the candy they collected on Halloween in the “Halloween Candy Buy Back Contest,” sponsored by Dr. Ron Rotem, a dentist at 355 Lakehurst Road, Toms River.

Dr. Rotem will give children $1.00 a pound up to 10 lbs. per family for candy they have collected, starting Wednesday, November 1 between 10:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. at his offices in Toms River. Please note: Dr. Rotem’s offices will be closed Wednesday, November 7 and Thursday, November 8. The child who brings in the most candy, by weight, will also win a $50.00 gift card. A teacher from either a public or private school who collects the most Halloween candy, by weight, and brings it to Dr. Rotem’s offices will win $400.00 to spend for his or her class. The contest will end Thursday, November 14 at 4:00 p.m.

All the collected candy will be sent to the troops in the Mideast with the help of Patrick O’Keefe, a member of the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 400, 3301 Hwy 138 East, Wall Township; the Monmouth and Ocean County Central Labor Council; and the Monmouth and Ocean County Building Trades. O’Keefe, who served in Bahrain, says, “We are always looking for care packages of food, games, and staples to send to our troops. I know personally how important it is to receive these packages.” Since last February 2003, the IBEW has collected and shipped more than 50,000 lbs. of goods overseas.

Dr. Rotem says, “Last year we collected more than 385 lbs. of candy, which was sent to our troops through the efforts of IBEW. Because some teachers donated candy but didn’t want to take any money for it, I thought it would be nice to include teachers in this year’s contest. Of course, my objective is to get children to eat less candy. I am hoping that buying back Halloween candy will be an incentive for them and make someone else’s life a little sweeter at the same time.”

For further information, call Dr. Rotem’s office at 732-341-8500.

### Submitted by Fran Kirschenr, Frantasy Enterprises

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