Saturday, January 19, 2008


SAMR (Supreme Asset Management and Recovery) Offers Free E-News

In an effort to keep businesses and consumers informed about the latest recycling news, SAMR (Supreme Asset Management and Recovery), a computer and electronics recycling company in Lakewood, N.J., introduces SAMReport, a bi-monthly free e-newsletter.

Packed with recycling tips and information about upcoming recycling events for both businesses and the general public, SAMReport will include company news; feature articles about recycling and the environment; spotlight SAMR employees; and showcase SAMR customers who are making a difference through their recycling efforts.

Look for the premier issue of the SAMReport on Friday, February 15 with subsequent issues on April 8, June 10, August 12, October 14, and December 9. To receive SAMReport, sign up at or call Brianne Douglas, the director of asset management, at 732-987-8177.

About SAMR
SAMR, a computer and electronics recycling company in Lakewood, N.J., removes old technology in securely locked vehicles; guarantees complete data erasure of hard drives; and, if possible, remarkets end-of-life electronics. SAMR meets all state and federal regulations for disposal of toxic and hazardous e-waste, and has a documented zero landfill policy. ###

Submitted by Fran Kirschner, Frantasy Enterprises

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