Monday, April 28, 2008


Building Leadership from the Ground Up - May JSAHR Meeting

Are leaders born or are they made? Instead of focusing on leadership development at the management levels, what if companies began to identify talent from the beginning and invested in that talent? Would the results be worthwhile?

Presenters Lynn Schaber, a leadership development coach, and Edmond Antoine, CEO and head coach of Team Global Network, will show why it is imperative to focus on leadership from the ground up on May 8, 2008, 8:00 to 10:00 a.m., at the monthly meeting of JSAHR (Jersey Shore Association for Human Resources), Jumping Brook Country Club, 210 Jumping Brook Road, Neptune, N.J.

Lynn Schaber has had 20 years of experience determining what is needed to motivate and train staff. She is a member of the International Coach Federation, an Associate Certified Coach (ACC), and the 2008 president of the New Jersey Professional Coaches Association.

Edmond Antoine coaches executives nationally and internationally. Antoine, a Master Certified Coach (MCC), has attained the highest level of certification with 200 hours of Coach Specific Training and more than 2500 hours of client coaching experience. He is a member of the International Coach Federation.

The registration fee and a full buffet breakfast is $25.00 for JSAHR members; $35.00 for nonmembers; $15.00 for those in transition; and an additional $5.00 for walk-ins. To register, call Kathi Evans, JSAHR administrator, at 732-244-8892 or e-mail JSAHR is a Superior Merit Award Chapter of SHRM (Society for Human Resource Management).

Submitted by Fran Kirschner, Frantasy Enterprises

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